Saturday, March 30, 2013

Another confession

A couple weeks ago I went to the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley, CA; my advisors were both out there, and you know what they say: if the mountain will not come to you, you must go to the mountain. 

Anyway, I've been home for awhile and you know what?  I haven't bothered to finish unpacking.  I also haven't done laundry (except for once when I dropped it off and had it done for me... a totally wonderful if expensive splurge!), or gone on a real grocery shopping trip (with a list and a plan for the week ahead).  What have I been doing with myself?  Math, writing my dissertation (currently on hold while my advisors look at a draft), thinking about math and writing some notes to Future Courtney about ideas, sleeping, and watching Doctor Who.

I would really like to get out of my apartment and enjoy the weather, but I'm wiped out!  I am so tired from the job hunt and the traveling and the writing and math... well, there's not much left of me right now.  Do they make cocoons for people?  Can I emerge as a beautiful, entertaining, witty, and charming butterfly in about a week?  That's about how long I'd like to sleep for.

So, there you have it: I've been utterly lazy.  And that's something mathematicians are known for, although usually they are being lazy about trying to solve a problem.  Me, I'm just being lazy, period.

But watch out!  In a week -- here comes the butterfly.

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