Saturday, March 30, 2013

Another confession

A couple weeks ago I went to the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley, CA; my advisors were both out there, and you know what they say: if the mountain will not come to you, you must go to the mountain. 

Anyway, I've been home for awhile and you know what?  I haven't bothered to finish unpacking.  I also haven't done laundry (except for once when I dropped it off and had it done for me... a totally wonderful if expensive splurge!), or gone on a real grocery shopping trip (with a list and a plan for the week ahead).  What have I been doing with myself?  Math, writing my dissertation (currently on hold while my advisors look at a draft), thinking about math and writing some notes to Future Courtney about ideas, sleeping, and watching Doctor Who.

I would really like to get out of my apartment and enjoy the weather, but I'm wiped out!  I am so tired from the job hunt and the traveling and the writing and math... well, there's not much left of me right now.  Do they make cocoons for people?  Can I emerge as a beautiful, entertaining, witty, and charming butterfly in about a week?  That's about how long I'd like to sleep for.

So, there you have it: I've been utterly lazy.  And that's something mathematicians are known for, although usually they are being lazy about trying to solve a problem.  Me, I'm just being lazy, period.

But watch out!  In a week -- here comes the butterfly.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Yes, and?

(I'm having trouble starting my dissertation writing today, so I thought I'd start with a blog post instead.)

I have a confession (finally, right?).  I used to be one of those math people that would answer this question:
"But can you use it for anything practical?"
like this:
"I hope not!"

But about a year ago I decided I would start using improv comedy techniques while teaching.  You know, instead of shooting down an idea that doesn't go anywhere, I'd say, "Yes, let's try that, and let's see where it goes."  Whoa.  It really changed the classroom dynamic.  But you can google "improv and teaching" and read lots more about that.  What I noticed is that not long after taking that approach to the classroom, I started to think about my research in the same way.

So when I started hearing about algebraic statistics, instead of being all, "Why would you want to use pure, beautiful, lovely algebra for gross, icky statistics?" I was, "Yes! And I want to do that too!"

Now, I've heard that if you have a serious goal, you should make it public so you are shamed if you don't follow through.  So here goes: within the next year, I want to start work on a project that involves applied algebra.

Keep me honest, folks!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

There's no going back!

Literally: my backspace key flew off during a frenzy of dissertation writing. Hours later, I have only succeeded in taking the entire back of the key-assembly apart, putting it back together, and failing to get it to stick to my keyboard again. Time for the gorilla glue? Anyway... back to writing my dissertation, only this time, very carefully.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Six years!

It's really hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I've been here at UNL for almost six years now. I've been getting a little nostalgic as my defense date and subsequent graduation gets closer and closer... Today, I'm dealing with this overload of emotions by cleaning my desk and tending to my poor Pothos plant (which I have nearly killed at least once a year).

The plant was an impulse buy during my first year, and it has survived admirably even under great duress.  I used to say that if I could keep this plant alive, I would make it through graduate school.  So far, so good.  I'm even considering starting some cuttings for some of my friends who aren't making graduating this year (but after I defend; I don't want to jinx anything by accidentally killing my plant after all).

Some of the interesting detritus on my desk right now is getting put into a "scan and toss" pile so that I can keep the happy notes, cartoons, and reminders from my friends without all the clutter.

As hard as it will be to say goodbye to Avery Hall, I'm excited to be moving on to a single-occupancy office where I can spread out my books, throw banana peels in the garbage (our office voted against this practice), and get a 20 minute catnap after lunch without having to check for office hours.  Oh, and my Pothos plant, Matsumura, will enjoy having room to spread out!  Because, you know, as long as I can keep this plant alive, I'm going to make it to tenure...

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Promising Syllabus

The Promising Syllabus - Advice - The Chronicle of Higher Education

I just accepted a job offer (first real job!), and now I'm really supposed to be finishing writing my dissertation, but instead I'm geeking out about all the fun things I want to do as a professor at a liberal arts school.  First and foremost, I want to make my syllabi awesome. Thus the link above.  Have any of you tried something new and different with a syllabus?  Especially in math?